Master of Arts in Nurisng


Introduction To MA in Nurisng


About The Course

Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN) is a graduate program designed to prepare professional nurses for teaching, managerial and supervisory roles in healthcare institutions.

In its aim to prepare students for managerial and supervisory roles, the MAN program trains students on the essentials of good leadership and managerial responsibilities so that they will be able to effectively and efficiently operate healthcare organizations and hospitals.

For nurses who want to teach nursing in educational institutions, an MAN is essential. The MAN program equips students with the concepts and theories in education and how they can apply these to clinical nursing programs. Colleges and universities offering the program seldom hire nurses who do not have a master’s degree.

An MAN is also important for practicing nurses who are seeking higher positions in hospitals. The length of work/hospital experience together with an MAN, increases the chances of a nurse to be promoted in supervisory roles in hospitals.

There are two types of graduate programs related to the Master of Arts in Nursing degree:

Admission requirements

Hold a BS in Nursing degree: To be admitted in the MAN program, an applicant must have obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

Hospital Experience: required applicants a minimum length of nursing work experience.

Graduate School Entrance Exam: pass the Master in Nursing entrance examination conducted by the college.


First Year
1st semester

Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 111 Statistics for Research 3 units
Man112 Principles and Methods of Research 3 units
MAN113 History, Philospphy and Thoeries of Nursing 3 units

2st semester

Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 114 Special Problem in Nursing 3 units
Man115 Community Health Development 3 units
MAN113 Curriculum Development in Nursing 3 units


Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 121 Seminar in Material and Child Health Care Nursing 3 units

Second Year
1st semester

Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 117 Advance Theories and Practice of Management including Human Resource Development 3 units
Man118 Human Behavior in Organization 3 units
MAN119 Administration in Nurisng Education or Administration in Nursing Practice 3 units

2nd semester

Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 122 Advance Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health 3 units
Man120 Advanced Adult and Geriatric Health Nursing 3 units
MAN123 Advance Measurement and Evaluation 3 units


Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 124 Practicum in Nursing Administration 3 units

Third Year

Course Title SUbject No. of Units
MAN 125 Thesis Writing 1 3 units
MAN 126 Thesis Writing 1 3 units
Written Comprehensive Examination
shall be given after completion of all required course.
Thesis Writhing 1shall be taken after satisfactorily passing the written comprehensive examination.
Thesis Writing 2 shall be taken after satifactory completion of Thesis writing 1.


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      Friday, September 11, 2015
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      Friday, September 11, 2015
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