Focus and Scope
Southeast Asian Interdisciplinary Research Journal (SEAIRJ) is an international refereed and open-access journal. It aims to promote scholarly research articles that cross the boundaries of various disciplines.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
1. The submitted manuscript will undergo various processes and reviews considering its format and content validity.
2. The manuscript will undergo a double-blind peer review process in which the identity of the author shall not be disclosed to the reviewer neither the reviewer's identity to the author. Peer reviewers will be identified by their areas of expertise and their published articles.
3. At least two decisions of accepted for publication from the reviewer shall be considered in order for the manuscript to be published in the journal.
4. The Publication Staff shall keep the records of the reviewers such as Curriculum Vitae, reviews and comments, and contact information for documentation and reference purposes.
5. Upon completing the review process, the publication staff will send the comments of the reviewers to the author including the Researcher Revision Form wherein the author shall write all the necessary modifications done in the manuscript.
5. The author upon receiving the manuscript shall address all concerns provided by the reviewers. On re-submitting the modified manuscript, the author shall send the researcher revision form, as well. Authors are given 2-3 weeks to resubmit the revised manuscript.
6. The Editorial Board Members including the Editor-in-Chief will review the revised manuscript to check the alignment of changes to the comments of the reviewers. When all comments are addressed, the paper will undergo the process of proofreading.
7. The Editor-in-Chief will give a final check and a go signal for the publication of the paper after the proofreading phase. The author will be abruptly notified to whatever decision that will be drawn.
8. The author shall sign a provided copyright agreement of the office.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.