About Brokenshire

About Brokenshire

Brokenshire College is registered as a non-stock, non-profit educational Corporation related with the United Church of Christ in the Philippines(UCCP)

Core Values



Brokenshire College is the leading learning and transforming Evangelical Christian institution enabling learners to make a difference in the World.


Brokenshire College is a learning organization engaged in the pursuit and diffusion of knowledge through the highest standards of instruction, research and extension. It leads a life of faith, learning and action that develop people to become intellectually competent, sensitive, spiritually mature, aware and responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community. It manages and develops wisely all resources to ensure sustainable growth of the institution as responsible stewards of and contributes to the realization of a just, free and responsible Christian social order.

Quality Policy

Brokenshire College is committed to provide value-oriented Christian Education through continuous improvement and total involvement for customer satisfaction.

Life Purpose

Brokenshire College fulfills Evangelical Christian Teaching Ministry of the church.

School Seal

A seal is the symbol of the principles for which the institution stands for. The cross indicates the commitment of the college to a solid and strong Christian foundation of its educational thrusts dedicated to service. The open book upon which is based the lamp of light, a flame for study and search of knowledge, faith and wisdom so that all who go through the portals of Brokenshire College go out to the world with faith, personal discipline, and service, characterized by integrity, competence and social responsibility. This is further conceptualized by the Latin motto Fides et Servitium (faith and service).

School Seal

Educational Objectives

The charter of Brokenshire College and the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines provide the impetus, substance and shape of the thought and action of the college. The charter of Brokenshire College commits its educational efforts: to the cause of Christian education, the development of Christian character and personal discipline among students; to provide training for the development of skills; to assist individuals attain their potentials as human beings in order to enhance the range and quality of life; and, to train students in rudiments and functions of democratic society in order to be socially responsible. Brokenshire College shall work and live to develop students: who are informed and aware of the social, political, economic and cultural forces dynamically working in society; whose potentials for critical thinking and research are fully developed; who are intellectually and professionally competent and honest; who are morally and ethically sensitive to social action for a responsible social order, for the realization of a free, just, competent, honest, self-reliant, abundant, and socially responsible society. To realize these educational objectives, the college shall pursue and work out; an administration, faculty, staff and students who are:

(1) knowledgeable of the best thoughts and values of humankind;

(2) conversant with the economic, political, social and cultural heritage in relation to the realities of Philippine life, in particular, and of the world, in general;

a methodology of teaching, a system of learning and evaluation that will:

(1) recognize the dignity of every person;

(2) train for the development of the capacity of critical thinking and research;

(3) cultivate social responsibility and action guided by Christian values;

a decision-making process that will:

(1) make use of the fullest contribution of various sectors;

and (2) develop the capabilities for reflection and action in the college community;

a curriculum and co-curriculum program that foster development towards:

(1) creative thinking;

(2) human dignity and responsibility;

(3) social awareness;

and ,(4) involvement;

a policy of service that will:

(1) reflect the values of justice and equality.

(2) the dignity of labor.

(3) the development of commitment to duty, competence and excellence; and; academic-community actions that are actively involved in solidarity with the marginalized in society for their authentic development and liberation.