Science High School


The Members of the Brokenshire High School Community, in harmony with God’s creation and in response to the needs of the society under the guidance of the Lord, envision as a community of Christian leaders equipped with the knowledge and skills in research and technology directed towards holistic and sustainable development.


In order to attain the vision, Brokenshire Science High School commits to:

• Become critically aware and informed of the political, socio-psychological, economic, and current trends in science and technology;

• Strengthen spiritual and ethical values to pursue academic excellence and leadership in science and technology through research, instruction and extension;

• Honor, preserve, protect and be responsible for the wise use of natural resources;

• Serve God and the community.

Quality Policy

Brokenshire College is committed to provide value-oriented Christian Education through continuous improvement and total involvement for customer satisfaction.

Life Purpose

The Education Act of 1982 has mandated the following objectives for secondary education:

1. Continue to promote the objectives of secondary education; and

2. To discover and enhance the different aptitude and interests of students so as to equip them with skills for productive endeavor and/or prepare them for tertiary schooling.

Specific Objectives

Brokenshire Science High School commits itself to the development of strong Christian values and moral discipline by providing the atmosphere for Christian living. Hence, it does not limit its service to responsibility and functions of a secondary education.

In keeping with the mission, the High School aims to produce graduate students who:

1) Are informed and aware of the social, political, economic, and cultural forces dynamically working in society

2) Are fully developed potential for critical thinking

3) Are able to use the trainings given to be morally and ethically sensitive to social action for a responsible social order.