Senior High


Introduction To Senior High

Tracks Offered

Academic Tracks

Track Title
Academic tracks
  1. Humanities 1*
  2. Humanities 2*
  3. Social Science 1**
  4. Applied Economics
  5. Organization and Management
  6. Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction
  7. Elective 1 (from any Track/Strand)***
  8. Elective 2 (from any Track/Strand)***
Procceding to Higer Education Courses Offered:
  1. Bachelor of Elementary Education - Generealist
  2. Bachelor of Elementary Education - Major in Preschool Education
  3. Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English
  4. Bachelor of Physical Education
Academic tracks
  1. Creative Writing / Malikhaing Pagsulat
  2. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
  3. Creative Nonfiction
  4. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture
  5. Philippine Politics and Governance
  6. Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
  7. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
  8. Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
  9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
Procceding to Higer Education Courses Offered:
  1. Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  2. Bachelor of Arts in Theology
  3. Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
Academic tracks
  1. Applied Economics
  2. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
  3. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
  4. Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2
  5. Business Math
  6. Business Finance
  7. Organization and Management
  8. Principles of Marketing
  9. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity i.e. Business Enterprise Simulation
Procceding to Higer Education Courses Offered:
  1. Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
  2. Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology
  3. Bachelor of Science in Business Adminsitration - Major in Marketing Management
  4. Bachelor of Science in Business Adminsitration - Major in Microfinance Management
Academic tracks
  1. Pre-Calculus
  2. Basic Calculus
  3. General Biology 1
  4. General Biology 2
  5. General Physics 1
  6. General Physics 2
  7. General Chemistry 1 and 2
  8. Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
Procceding to Higer Education Courses Offered:
  1. Bachelor of Secondary Education -Major in Mathemathics
  2. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  3. Bachelor of Science in Nurisng
  4. Bachelor of Science in Midwifery
  5. Bachelor of Science in Midwifery

Tech-Voc Tracks

Track Title
Information and Communication Tech(ICT)
Specialization: Animation
Home Economics
Specialization: Bread and Pastry Production
Specialization: Housekeeping

About Senior High

What is Senior High?

Senior High School Covers eight(8) learning areas as part of its core curriculum, and adds specific tracks(similar to college courses) base on four(4) disciplines:

  • Academic(which includes: Business, Science, Engineering, Humanities and Social Science, and a General Academic Strand)

  • Technical-Vocational-Livelihood(with higly specialized subjects with TESDA qualifications)

  • Sports

  • Arts and Design
  • What will I learn?

    Senior High School (SHS)Covers the last two years of the K to 12 Program and includes Grade 11 and Grade 12. In SHS, Students Will Go through Core Curicculum and subjects under a track of thier choice.

    Will SHS mean two more years of high school

    Yes. These two additional years will equip learners with the skills that will better prepare them for the future,wether it be:

    • Employement

    • Entrepreneurship

    • Skills Development(Future Tech-Voc Training)

    • Higher Education(College)

    Will the additional two years of High School mean additional expenses

    Not necessarily:

    Senior High School "completes" basic education by making sure that high school graduate is equipped for work, entrepreneurship, or higher education. This step up from th 10-year cycle where high school graduates still need further education(and expenses) to be ready for the world.

    SHS will be offered free in public schools and there will be a voucher program in plac e for public junior high school completers as well as ESC beneficiaries of private high schools should they choose to take SHS in private institutions.

    This means that the burden of expenses for the additional two years need not to completely burden shoulders of parents.

    Voucher Applicants:

    Non-Esc Grade 10 completers from Pirvate Junior High SChools woh wish to avail of vouchers shall be required to apply for vouchers. Subject to an assesment of thier socioeconomic status and if deemed quqlified shall also recieve 80% of the full voucher value. Applicant for vouchers shall commence on the second Monday of Novomber and end depending on the type of applicant process the voucher aplicant decieds to pursue.

    Applicant of Vouchers is free of charge.

    Online Submission(Deadline:Second Friday of February)

    Academic tracks
    1. Fill out electronic Voucher Application Form(VAF-1) accessed through the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP)
    2. Print the Online Application Confirmation Slip
    3. Enclose the following supporting documents in a long brown envelope and mail or submit to PEAC National Secretary(PEAC NS) on or before the second Friday of February in the folloiwng order:
      Address:(5/F Salamin Building, 197 Salcedo Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City)
      1. Printed Online Application Confirmation Slip
      2. Certification of Financial Assistance from the School, if Applicable*
      3. Recent Identical 2x2 ID Photo(2 Copies)
      4. Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)Certifeid Birth Certificate
      5. Photocopy of Grade 10 Report Card
      6. Certificate of employement of Parents/Gurdian(if applicable)
      7. Latest Income Tax Return of Parents/Legal Guardian or Certificate of Tax Excemption or Municipal Certification of Unemployement.

    Voucher applicants are strongly encourage to use online submission of applicantion forms for faster processing of their applications


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      Friday, September 11, 2015
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      Friday, September 11, 2015
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