Foreign Enrollees


Foreign Students

Who are considered as foreign students?

Foreign students are those belonging or owing allegiance to a country other than the Philippines and studying in any educational institutional recognized or owned by the Philippine Government including researchers, trainees, grantees, scholars and others who are conducting research work in any other government/private department or agency, or studying in any training institution of center in the country. (CHED, Handbook for Foreign Students, June, 1995).

What are the Documentary Requirements?

A foreign student seeking admission to Brokenshire College is required to submit the following:

1. 2. Original Personal History Statement must be accomplished and signed by the applicant, accompanied by persona seal, if any, with original left and right thumb prints and pictures (6 Copies)

2. Photo copy of passport pages where name, birth date and birthplace appear ( 2 copies)

3. Birth certificate. 2 copies (certified true copy)

4. 2 copies 2x2 current photos with out specs with white background

5. Duly Authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post, Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or legal residence of:

a. Scholastic Records ( Transcript/Mark/Diploma)

b. Police clearance issued by the National Police Office

c. A notarized affidavit of support from parents and proof of adequate financial support (Bank certificate

6. Additional admission requirements

a. Entrance exam result

b. Medical and dental certificate from BC clinic

c. Valid visa for study and ACR/I-CARD

How to secure Student Visa-(9f) in the Philippines (Conversion of Visa from Temporary Visitor (Tourist Visa (9a) to student visa 9(f))

Student needs to bring all documentary requirements before going to the Philippines:

1. 2. Original Personal History Statement must be accomplished and signed by the applicant, accompanied by persona seal, if any, with original left and right thumb prints and pictures (6 Copies)

2. Photo copy of passport pages where name, birth date and birthplace appear ( 2 copies)

3. Birth certificate. 2 copies (certified true copy)

4. 2 copies 2x2 current photos with out specs with white background

5. Duly Authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Service Post, Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or legal residence of:

a. Scholastic Records ( Transcript/Mark/Diploma)

b. Police clearance issued by the National Police Office

c. A notarized affidavit of support from parents and proof of adequate financial support (Bank certificate)

6. A valid tourist visa of at least 59 days

7. Secure original copy of Medical Certificate from Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ). Note: The applicant is required to appear personally at the Bureau of Quarantine to secure medical certificate.

8. Submit all documents at the Registrar’s office and take assessment examination at the CPWC (guidance office) office and submit the result at the registrar’s office.

9. Accomplish requirements for the conversion of tourist 9(a) visa to student 9(f) visa.

a. Joint letter request addressed to the commissioner from the registrar and applicant using school letterhead and dry seal.

b. Duly accomplished CGAF (BI form CGAF-003-Rev.0).

c. Photocopy of passport pages bearing bio-page, latest admission with valid authorized stay and Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ) stamp.

d. Notice of acceptance of the applicant bearing a clear impression of the school’s official dry seal.

e. Endorsement addressed to the Commissioner from the school for the conversion of the applicant’s status, signed by the school Registrar.

f. Certificate of Eligibility for admission from Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in case of Medicine/Dentistry.

g. CHED endorsement for transfer and shifting if applicable.

h. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) if application is filed six (6) months or more from the date of first arrival in the Philippines.

i. Photocopy of BI school accreditation ID of the registrar or school representative and

j. BI Clearance certificate.

10. ACR-I card to be secured upon approval of the student visa.

Note: The liaison officer of the college will assist the student in the processing of visa conversion at the Phil. Bureau of Immigration.

How to secure Student Visa- 9(f) in the country of origin?

1.The foreign student applicant should submit the following requirements to:

The Registrar

Brokenshire College

P.O. Box 80537 Madapo

Original Personal History Statement must be accomplished and signed by the applicant, accompanied by persona seal, if any, with original left and right thumb prints and pictures (6 Copies)

Photo copy of passport pages where name, birth date and birthplace appear ( 2 copies)

Transcript of Records (original and photocopies) duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Post, Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or legal residence.

A notarized Affidavit of support and proof of adequate financial support (bank certificate) duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Post, Embassy or Consulate in the applicant’s country of origin or legal residence.

2. The school thru the Registrar will issue the Notice of acceptance to the applicant and endorses the above cited documents to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Pasay City, Manila And CHED. National office.

3. The student shall submit the following requirements to the consular officer at the Philippine Foreign Service Post in the student’s country of origin upon notice of interview.

Original copy of the school’s notice of acceptance (NOA) containing a clear copy impression of the school’s dry seal, addressed to the student.

Police clearance issued by the national police authorities in the student’s country of origin or legal residence, authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Post., embassy or Consulate.

Medical Health Certificate issued by an authorized physician including standard-size chest x-ray.

. Birth Certificate

Passport pages where name, picture, birth date and place appear duly authenticated by the Philippine Foreign Post., Embassy or Consulate.

4. Upon Arrival, Submit the all academic requirements to the registrar’s office for confirmation and proceed to enrollment process.

5. Foreign student with issued student visa shall report to BI within seven (7) days upon date of arrival in the Philippines for registration and processing of ACR I-Card application.

Note: The School Liaison officer will assist the foreign student in VISA/ACR application to BI.

Upon arrival in the Philippines international student shall follow enrollment procedure for new student.


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