

BC-AS 1st Research forum

TimeFriday, September 11, 2015

Location: Brokenshire College

Five Teams from the Education Program and 13 teams from the Psychology Program participated the School of Arts and Science 1st Student Research Forum held last October 19-20, 2015 respectively at Function Hall, Martha’s Place, Brokenshire College,Madapo,Davao City.

On the first day of the forum, five teams of future teachers from Education Program showcased their abilities in research presentation. Five teams competed and presented their studies. The panel of judges who deliberately scored the presentation were Dr. Fe Arcenas, Ma’am Marcia Fuentes and Dr. Christhoffer Lelis. Among the five competing teams, three presenters earned the judges’ choice. The group who grabbed the top three spots were: Ana Liza Tocao’s group(1st place with research title”Ang Ortograpiyasa Dabawenhong-Binisaya”), Kimberly Diyanco’s group(2nd place, with research title “The Development of the Grade level Assessments for English 1 and 3”) and Analou Sarte’s Group(3rd place, with research title ”The development Assessment Tool for Collaborative Problem Solving”).

The second day of the research forum was also a break for transnational students of the Psychology Program who displayed wit and astuteness as they present their researches. Thirteen teams had their oral presentation. Three best presenters were selected by the panel of the judges namely Dr. Chirsthoffer Lelis, Ms. Agni May Tupas and Dr. Jennifer Arbiol. The first place winner was the group of Fatima Nizar with research tittle “Dowry and Extreme Poverty”.

The top two teams from Education and Psychology Program will have the chance to compete and present their researches for the institutional student research forum next school year. Whoever wins will represent Brokenshire College on February 2016 during the DACUN annual research forum for an inter-school competition.

Dr. Melchorita S. Salvador, Dean, School of Arts and Sciences, during her speech, was gratifiedby this event.

“I am thankful to all students who participatedthe forum and to the research advisers Mr. Henry Encabo, Dr. Jennelou Angelo, Dr. Fe Arcenas and Dr. Elizabeth Malonzo, and to all facultywho supported the school’s student research forum.”

Dr. Salvador also commended Dr. Christhoffer Lelis, Director, Research and Publication Office and the RPO team for successfully facilitatingthis first ever SAS student research forum.

Dr. Lelis, who just took his new seat as the newRPO Director last July 2015, aspires to extend the research forum among the faculty in the academe. He believes that the faculty of BrokenshireCollege must always be given a continued opportunity where teachers hone their potentials not only in the field of instruction but also in the field of research. This research forum was a collaborative effort of the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) and the Research and Publication Office (RPO).

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