
(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `summary` text NOT NULL, `qtype` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL default 0, `respondenttype` enum('fullname','anonymous') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fullname', `resp_eligible` enum( 'all', 'students', 'teachers' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'all', `resp_view` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default 0, `opendate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `closedate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `resume` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `navigate` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `sid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `sid` (`sid`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `rid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR(64) NOT NULL, owner CHAR(16) NOT NULL, realm CHAR(64) NOT NULL, public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', status INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', title CHAR(255) NOT NULL, email CHAR(64), subtitle TEXT, info TEXT, theme CHAR(64), thanks_page CHAR(255), thank_head CHAR(255), thank_body TEXT, changed TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`owner`))  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`own' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type CHAR(32) NOT NULL, has_choices ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, response_table CHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_type' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name CHAR(30) NOT NULL, type_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, result_id INT UNSIGNED, length INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, precise INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, position INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, required ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', deleted ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_choice' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, submitted INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, complete ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', username CHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_bool' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_single' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_rank' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_text' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_other' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response DATE, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_date' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')  
1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')  
1062: Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '6' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')  
1062: Duplicate entry '8' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')  
1062: Duplicate entry '9' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '10' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '99' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '100' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

questionnaire tables could NOT be set up successfully!


(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `summary` text NOT NULL, `qtype` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL default 0, `respondenttype` enum('fullname','anonymous') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fullname', `resp_eligible` enum( 'all', 'students', 'teachers' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'all', `resp_view` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default 0, `opendate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `closedate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `resume` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `navigate` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `sid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `sid` (`sid`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `rid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR(64) NOT NULL, owner CHAR(16) NOT NULL, realm CHAR(64) NOT NULL, public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', status INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', title CHAR(255) NOT NULL, email CHAR(64), subtitle TEXT, info TEXT, theme CHAR(64), thanks_page CHAR(255), thank_head CHAR(255), thank_body TEXT, changed TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`owner`))  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`own' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type CHAR(32) NOT NULL, has_choices ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, response_table CHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_type' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name CHAR(30) NOT NULL, type_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, result_id INT UNSIGNED, length INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, precise INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, position INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, required ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', deleted ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_choice' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, submitted INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, complete ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', username CHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_bool' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_single' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_rank' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_text' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_other' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response DATE, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_date' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')  
1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')  
1062: Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '6' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')  
1062: Duplicate entry '8' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')  
1062: Duplicate entry '9' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '10' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '99' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '100' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

questionnaire tables could NOT be set up successfully!


(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `summary` text NOT NULL, `qtype` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL default 0, `respondenttype` enum('fullname','anonymous') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fullname', `resp_eligible` enum( 'all', 'students', 'teachers' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'all', `resp_view` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default 0, `opendate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `closedate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `resume` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `navigate` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `sid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `sid` (`sid`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `rid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR(64) NOT NULL, owner CHAR(16) NOT NULL, realm CHAR(64) NOT NULL, public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', status INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', title CHAR(255) NOT NULL, email CHAR(64), subtitle TEXT, info TEXT, theme CHAR(64), thanks_page CHAR(255), thank_head CHAR(255), thank_body TEXT, changed TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`owner`))  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`own' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type CHAR(32) NOT NULL, has_choices ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, response_table CHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_type' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name CHAR(30) NOT NULL, type_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, result_id INT UNSIGNED, length INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, precise INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, position INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, required ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', deleted ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_choice' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, submitted INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, complete ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', username CHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_bool' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_single' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_rank' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_text' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_other' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response DATE, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_date' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')  
1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')  
1062: Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '6' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')  
1062: Duplicate entry '8' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')  
1062: Duplicate entry '9' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '10' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '99' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '100' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

questionnaire tables could NOT be set up successfully!


(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `summary` text NOT NULL, `qtype` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL default 0, `respondenttype` enum('fullname','anonymous') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fullname', `resp_eligible` enum( 'all', 'students', 'teachers' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'all', `resp_view` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default 0, `opendate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `closedate` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL, `resume` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `navigate` INT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0', `sid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `sid` (`sid`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `course` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `name` varcha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `userid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `rid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `timemodified` int(10) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE `mdl_questionnaire_attempts` (  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `qid` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',  `userid...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name CHAR(64) NOT NULL, owner CHAR(16) NOT NULL, realm CHAR(64) NOT NULL, public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', status INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', title CHAR(255) NOT NULL, email CHAR(64), subtitle TEXT, info TEXT, theme CHAR(64), thanks_page CHAR(255), thank_head CHAR(255), thank_body TEXT, changed TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`owner`))  
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(14) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `owner` (`own' at line 1
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_survey (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    name		CHAR(64) NOT NULL,    owner		CHAR...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type CHAR(32) NOT NULL, has_choices ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, response_table CHAR(32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_type' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_type (    id				INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    type			CHAR(32) NOT NULL,    ha...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, name CHAR(30) NOT NULL, type_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, result_id INT UNSIGNED, length INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, precise INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, position INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, required ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', deleted ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', public ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    n...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_question_choice' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_question_choice (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    question_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT N...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, survey_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, submitted INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, complete ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', username CHAR(64), PRIMARY KEY (id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    survey_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,    s...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id ENUM('Y','N') NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_bool' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_bool (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_single' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_single (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_multiple (    id			INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, rank INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_rank' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_rank (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_text' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_text (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, choice_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id,choice_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_other' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_other (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,  ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, response_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, question_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, response DATE, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY response_question (response_id,question_id))  
1050: Table 'mdl_questionnaire_response_date' already exists
         ADOConnection._Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ..., false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(CREATE TABLE mdl_questionnaire_response_date (    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,    response_id	INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,   ...) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')  
1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('1','Yes/No','N','response_bool')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('2','Text Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '3' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('3','Essay Box','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('4','Radio Buttons','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')  
1062: Duplicate entry '5' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('5','Check Boxes','Y','response_multiple')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')  
1062: Duplicate entry '6' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('6','Dropdown Box','Y','response_single')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')  
1062: Duplicate entry '8' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('8','Rate (scale 1..5)','Y','response_rank')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')  
1062: Duplicate entry '9' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('9','Date','N','response_date')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')  
1062: Duplicate entry '10' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text'), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('10','Numeric','N','response_text')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '99' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('99','Page Break','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')  
1062: Duplicate entry '100' for key 'PRIMARY'
         ADOConnection._Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N',''), false) % line  891, file:
      ADOConnection.Execute(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line   89, file: dmllib.php
   execute_sql(INSERT INTO mdl_questionnaire_question_type VALUES ('100','Section Text','N','')) % line  235, file: dmllib.php
modify_database(/var/www/html/ems/mod/questionnaire/db/mysql.sql) % line  392, file: adminlib.php
upgrade_activity_modules( % line  433, file: index.php

questionnaire tables could NOT be set up successfully!