Upgrading Moodle database from version 1.9.8+ (Build: 20100414) (2007101580) to 1.9.19+ (Build: 20130513) (2007101592.05)...

(mysql): SELECT name FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'filter_mediaplugin_enable_ogv' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): SELECT * FROM mdl_config WHERE id = '-1'  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_config ( NAME, VALUE ) VALUES ( 'filter_mediaplugin_enable_ogv', '1' )  


(mysql): SELECT name FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'filter_mediaplugin_enable_ogg' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_config ( NAME, VALUE ) VALUES ( 'filter_mediaplugin_enable_ogg', '1' )  


(mysql): SELECT name FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'version' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_config SET value = '2007101590.01' WHERE name = 'version'  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW INDEX FROM mdl_user_info_data  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_userinfodata_usefie_ix ON mdl_user_info_data (userid, fieldid)  

(mysql): SELECT name FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'version' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_config SET value = '2007101591.01' WHERE name = 'version'  

(mysql): SELECT name FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'version' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_config SET value = '2007101591.05' WHERE name = 'version'  
Database was successfully upgraded

data module needs upgrading

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_data SET notification=0 WHERE notification IS NULL  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_data MODIFY COLUMN notification BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after editany  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_data MODIFY COLUMN notification BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after editany  
data tables have been set up correctly


(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_exercise ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', nelements SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, phase SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, gradingstrategy SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, usemaximum SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, assessmentcomps SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 2, anonymous SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, maxbytes BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 100000, deadline BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, grade SMALLINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, gradinggrade SMALLINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, showleaguetable SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, usepassword SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, password VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_exercise COMMENT='Defines exercise'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exer_cou_ix ON mdl_exercise (course)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_exercise_submissions ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, exerciseid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, title VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', timecreated BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, resubmit SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, mailed SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, isexercise SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, late SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_exercise_submissions COMMENT='Info about submitted work from teacher and students'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exersubm_use_ix ON mdl_exercise_submissions (userid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exersubm_exe_ix ON mdl_exercise_submissions (exerciseid)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_exercise_assessments ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, exerciseid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, submissionid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timecreated BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timegraded BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, grade DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, gradinggrade SMALLINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, mailed TINYINT(2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, generalcomment TEXT NOT NULL, teachercomment TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_exercise_assessments COMMENT='Info about assessments by teacher and students'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exerasse_use_ix ON mdl_exercise_assessments (userid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exerasse_exe_ix ON mdl_exercise_assessments (exerciseid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exerasse_sub_ix ON mdl_exercise_assessments (submissionid)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_exercise_elements ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, exerciseid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, elementno SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, description TEXT NOT NULL, scale SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, maxscore SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, weight SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 11, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_exercise_elements COMMENT='Info about marking scheme of assignment'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exerelem_exe_ix ON mdl_exercise_elements (exerciseid)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_exercise_rubrics ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, exerciseid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, elementno BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rubricno SMALLINT(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, description TEXT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_exercise_rubrics COMMENT='Info about the rubrics marking scheme'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exerrubr_exe_ix ON mdl_exercise_rubrics (exerciseid)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_exercise_grades ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, exerciseid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, assessmentid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, elementno BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, feedback TEXT NOT NULL, grade SMALLINT(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_exercise_grades COMMENT='Info about individual grades given to each element'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exergrad_exe_ix ON mdl_exercise_grades (exerciseid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_exergrad_ass_ix ON mdl_exercise_grades (assessmentid)  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('exercise', 'close', 'exercise', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('exercise', 'open', 'exercise', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('exercise', 'submit', 'exercise', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('exercise', 'view', 'exercise', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('exercise', 'update', 'exercise', 'name')  
exercise tables have been set up correctly


(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_hotpot ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', summary TEXT NOT NULL, timeopen BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timeclose BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, location SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, reference VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', outputformat SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, navigation SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, studentfeedback SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, studentfeedbackurl VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', forceplugins SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, shownextquiz SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, review SMALLINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, grade BIGINT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, grademethod SMALLINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, attempts MEDIUMINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', subnet VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', clickreporting SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timecreated BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_hotpot COMMENT='details about Hot Potatoes quizzes'  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_hotpot_attempts ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, hotpot BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, starttime BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, endtime BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, score MEDIUMINT(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, penalties MEDIUMINT(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, attempt MEDIUMINT(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timestart BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timefinish BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, status SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, clickreportid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_hotpot_attempts COMMENT='details about Hot Potatoes quiz attempts'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpatte_use_ix ON mdl_hotpot_attempts (userid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpatte_hot_ix ON mdl_hotpot_attempts (hotpot)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_hotpot_details ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, attempt BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, details TEXT, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_hotpot_details COMMENT='raw details (as XML) of Hot Potatoes quiz attempts'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpdeta_att_ix ON mdl_hotpot_details (attempt)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_hotpot_questions ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, name TEXT NOT NULL, type SMALLINT(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, text BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, hotpot BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, md5key VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_hotpot_questions COMMENT='details about questions in Hot Potatoes quiz attempts'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpques_md5_ix ON mdl_hotpot_questions (md5key)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpques_hot_ix ON mdl_hotpot_questions (hotpot)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_hotpot_responses ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, attempt BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, question BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, score MEDIUMINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, weighting MEDIUMINT(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, correct VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', wrong VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ignored VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', hints MEDIUMINT(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, clues MEDIUMINT(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, checks MEDIUMINT(6) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_hotpot_responses COMMENT='details about responses in Hot Potatoes quiz attempts'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpresp_att_ix ON mdl_hotpot_responses (attempt)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpresp_que_ix ON mdl_hotpot_responses (question)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_hotpot_strings ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, string TEXT NOT NULL, md5key VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_hotpot_strings COMMENT='strings used in Hot Potatoes questions and responses'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_hotpstri_md5_ix ON mdl_hotpot_strings (md5key)  
hotpot tables have been set up correctly


(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_journal ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', intro TEXT NOT NULL, introformat TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, days MEDIUMINT(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 7, assessed BIGINT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_journal COMMENT='data for each journal'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_jour_cou_ix ON mdl_journal (course)  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_journal_entries ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, journal BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, userid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, modified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, text TEXT NOT NULL, format TINYINT(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rating BIGINT(10) DEFAULT 0, entrycomment TEXT, teacher BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, timemarked BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, mailed TINYINT(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_journal_entries COMMENT='All the journal entries of all people'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_jourentr_use_ix ON mdl_journal_entries (userid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_jourentr_jou_ix ON mdl_journal_entries (journal)  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('journal', 'view', 'journal', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('journal', 'add entry', 'journal', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('journal', 'update entry', 'journal', 'name')  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_log_display(module, action, mtable, field) VALUES ('journal', 'view responses', 'journal', 'name')  
journal tables have been set up correctly


(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_lams ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, course BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', introduction TEXT NOT NULL, learning_session_id BIGINT(20) DEFAULT 0, timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_lams COMMENT='LAMS activity'  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_lams_cou_ix ON mdl_lams (course)  
lams tables have been set up correctly

resource module needs upgrading

(mysql): DELETE FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'resource_allowlocalfiles'  
resource tables have been set up correctly

scorm module needs upgrading

(mysql): SELECT * FROM mdl_scorm  

(mysql): SELECT id FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE name = 'grademethodfixed' AND plugin = 'scorm' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): SELECT * FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE id = '-1'  

(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_config_plugins ( PLUGIN, NAME, VALUE ) VALUES ( 'scorm', 'grademethodfixed', '1' )  

scorm tables have been set up correctly