chat module needs upgrading
chat tables have been set up correctly
data module needs upgrading
(mysql): SELECT value FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE plugin = 'data' AND name = 'requiredentriesfixflag' LIMIT 1
(mysql): SELECT id FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE name = 'requiredentriesfixflag' AND plugin = 'data' LIMIT 1
(mysql): SELECT * FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE id = '-1'
(mysql): INSERT INTO mdl_config_plugins ( PLUGIN, NAME, VALUE ) VALUES ( 'data', 'requiredentriesfixflag', '1' )
(mysql): SELECT d.*, c.fullname
FROM mdl_data d, mdl_course c
WHERE d.course =
AND (d.requiredentries > 0 OR d.requiredentriestoview > 0)
ORDER BY c.fullname,
data tables have been set up correctly
forum module needs upgrading
(mysql): DELETE FROM mdl_forum_ratings WHERE post = '0'
forum tables have been set up correctly
hotpot module needs upgrading
Fixing hotpot grades, this may take a while if there are many hotpots...
- 2 HotPots were found
- 2 grade items were found
Processing hotpot grades, this may take a while if there are many hotpots...
hotpot tables have been set up correctly
lesson module needs upgrading
lesson tables have been set up correctly
quiz module needs upgrading
(mysql): SELECT value FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE plugin = 'qtype_random' AND name = 'selectmanual' LIMIT 1
(mysql): SELECT value FROM mdl_config_plugins WHERE plugin = 'qtype_random' AND name = 'selectmanual' LIMIT 1
quiz tables have been set up correctly
resource module needs upgrading
(mysql): UPDATE mdl_resource SET options = 'objectframe' WHERE (UPPER(reference) LIKE '%.PDF'
OR UPPER(reference) LIKE '%.FDF'
OR UPPER(reference) LIKE '%.XDP'
OR UPPER(reference) LIKE '%.XFD'
OR UPPER(reference) LIKE '%.XFDF')
AND type='file' AND (popup = '')
AND ( (options = '') OR options = 'frame')
resource tables have been set up correctly
scorm module needs upgrading
scorm tables have been set up correctly
workshop module needs upgrading
(mysql): SELECT
FROM mdl_workshop_assessments wa
LEFT JOIN mdl_workshop_submissions ws ON wa.submissionid =
workshop tables have been set up correctly
Database was successfully upgraded
Backup version is now 2009111300
New version of Online Users (online_users) exists
Online Users tables have been set up correctly
New version of Section Links (section_links) exists
Section Links tables have been set up correctly
enrol/authorize plugin needs upgrading
(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_enrol_authorize DROP INDEX mdl_enroauth_tra_ix
(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_enrol_authorize MODIFY COLUMN transid BIGINT(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after userid
(mysql): SHOW TABLES
(mysql): SHOW INDEX FROM mdl_enrol_authorize
(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_enroauth_tra_ix ON mdl_enrol_authorize (transid)
(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds DROP INDEX mdl_enroauthrefu_tra_ix
(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds MODIFY COLUMN transid BIGINT(20) unsigned NULL DEFAULT 0 after amount
(mysql): SHOW TABLES
(mysql): SHOW INDEX FROM mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds
(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_enroauthrefu_tra_ix ON mdl_enrol_authorize_refunds (transid)
authorize tables have been set up correctly
grade/report/overview plugin needs upgrading
overview tables have been set up correctly
course/report/log plugin needs upgrading
log tables have been set up correctly
course/report/outline plugin needs upgrading
outline tables have been set up correctly
course/report/participation plugin needs upgrading
participation tables have been set up correctly
course/report/stats plugin needs upgrading
stats tables have been set up correctly
admin/report/courseoverview plugin needs upgrading
courseoverview tables have been set up correctly
admin/report/security plugin needs upgrading
security tables have been set up correctly
admin/report/unittest plugin needs upgrading
unittest tables have been set up correctly