assignment module needs upgrading

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_assignment_submissions MODIFY COLUMN data1 TEXT NULL after numfiles  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_assignment_submissions MODIFY COLUMN data2 TEXT NULL after data1  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_assignment SET var4=1 WHERE assignmenttype='upload'  
Processing assignment grades, this may take a while if there are many assignments...
assignment tables have been set up correctly

mod/assignment/type/online plugin needs upgrading

online tables have been set up correctly

chat module needs upgrading

chat tables have been set up correctly

choice module needs upgrading

choice tables have been set up correctly

data module needs upgrading

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_data ADD notification BIGINT(10) DEFAULT NULL after editany  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW INDEX FROM mdl_data_fields  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_datafiel_typdat_ix ON mdl_data_fields (type, dataid)  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW INDEX FROM mdl_data  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_data_cou_ix ON mdl_data (course)  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_data ADD asearchtemplate TEXT after jstemplate  
data tables have been set up correctly

forum module needs upgrading

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_forum_queue ADD timemodified BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after postid  
Processing forum grades, this may take a while if there are many forums...
Removing stale forum subscriptions

(mysql): SELECT r.* FROM mdl_role r, mdl_role_capabilities rc WHERE rc.capability = 'moodle/course:view' AND rc.roleid = AND rc.permission = '1'  

(mysql): SELECT fs.userid, AS forumid FROM mdl_forum f JOIN mdl_course c ON = f.course JOIN mdl_context ctx ON (ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = 50) JOIN mdl_forum_subscriptions fs ON = LEFT JOIN mdl_role_assignments ra ON (ra.contextid = AND ra.userid = fs.userid AND ra.roleid IN (6,5,4,3)) WHERE IS NULL  
forum tables have been set up correctly

glossary module needs upgrading

glossary tables have been set up correctly

hotpot module needs upgrading

Processing hotpot grades, this may take a while if there are many hotpots...
hotpot tables have been set up correctly

journal module needs upgrading

journal tables have been set up correctly

label module needs upgrading

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_log_display SET mtable = 'label' WHERE module = 'label'  
label tables have been set up correctly

lams module needs upgrading

lams tables have been set up correctly

lesson module needs upgrading

lesson tables have been set up correctly

quiz module needs upgrading

(mysql): SELECT id FROM mdl_question_numerical_units WHERE id > (SELECT MIN( FROM mdl_question_numerical_units iqnu WHERE iqnu.question = mdl_question_numerical_units.question AND iqnu.unit = mdl_question_numerical_units.unit)  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW INDEX FROM mdl_question_numerical_units  

(mysql): CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mdl_quesnumeunit_queuni_uix ON mdl_question_numerical_units (question, unit)  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_quiz MODIFY COLUMN timelimit BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after timemodified  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_quiz SET review = ((((review) & ((~(71565312))))) | (((((review) & (4)) * 65536) | (((((review) & (256)) * 16384) | (((review) & (16384)) * 4096))))))  

(mysql): SELECT name FROM mdl_config WHERE name = 'quiz_review' LIMIT 1  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_config SET value = '67301376' WHERE name = 'quiz_review'  
quiz tables have been set up correctly

resource module needs upgrading

resource tables have been set up correctly

scorm module needs upgrading

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_scorm ADD whatgrade BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after grademethod  
scorm tables have been set up correctly

survey module needs upgrading

survey tables have been set up correctly

wiki module needs upgrading

wiki tables have been set up correctly

workshop module needs upgrading

workshop tables have been set up correctly