question/type/multianswer plugin needs upgrading

(mysql): SELECT, q.category, qma.sequence FROM mdl_question q JOIN mdl_question_multianswer qma ON = qma.question  
multianswer tables have been set up correctly

question/type/multichoice plugin needs upgrading

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_question_multichoice ADD answernumbering VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'abc' after incorrectfeedback  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_question SET defaultgrade = '0' WHERE qtype = 'description' AND defaultgrade = '1'  

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_question_multichoice SET answernumbering = 'ABCD' WHERE answernumbering = 'ABC'  
multichoice tables have been set up correctly


Database was successfully upgraded
Backup version is now 2008030300


(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_instance MODIFY COLUMN configdata TEXT NULL after visible  
Database was successfully upgraded
Blocks version is now 2007081300

New version of Activities (activity_modules) exists

Activities tables have been set up correctly

New version of Administration (admin) exists

Administration tables have been set up correctly

New version of Admin bookmarks (admin_bookmarks) exists

Admin bookmarks tables have been set up correctly

New version of Site Administration (admin_tree) exists

Site Administration tables have been set up correctly

New version of Blog Menu (blog_menu) exists

Blog Menu tables have been set up correctly

New version of Blog Tags (blog_tags) exists

Blog Tags tables have been set up correctly

New version of Calendar (calendar_month) exists

Calendar tables have been set up correctly

New version of Upcoming Events (calendar_upcoming) exists

Upcoming Events tables have been set up correctly

New version of Courses (course_list) exists

Courses tables have been set up correctly

New version of Course/Site Description (course_summary) exists

Course/Site Description tables have been set up correctly

New version of Random Glossary Entry (glossary_random) exists

Random Glossary Entry tables have been set up correctly

New version of HTML (html) exists

HTML tables have been set up correctly

New version of Loan calculator (loancalc) exists

Loan calculator tables have been set up correctly

New version of Login (login) exists

Login tables have been set up correctly

New version of Mentees (mentees) exists

Mentees tables have been set up correctly

New version of Messages (messages) exists

Messages tables have been set up correctly

New version of Network Servers (mnet_hosts) exists

Network Servers tables have been set up correctly

New version of Latest News (news_items) exists

Latest News tables have been set up correctly

New version of Online Users (online_users) exists

Online Users tables have been set up correctly

New version of People (participants) exists

People tables have been set up correctly

New version of Quiz Results (quiz_results) exists

Quiz Results tables have been set up correctly

New version of Recent Activity (recent_activity) exists

Recent Activity tables have been set up correctly

New version of Remote RSS Feeds (rss_client) exists

(mysql): UPDATE mdl_config SET name = 'block_rss_client_timeout' WHERE name = 'block_rss_timeout'  
Remote RSS Feeds tables have been set up correctly

New version of Global Search (search) exists

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): SHOW TABLES  

(mysql): CREATE TABLE mdl_search_documents ( id BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, docid VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', doctype VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', itemtype VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'standard', title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', docdate DATETIME NOT NULL, updated DATETIME NOT NULL, courseid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, groupid BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id) )  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_seardocu_doc_ix ON mdl_search_documents (docid)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_seardocu_doc2_ix ON mdl_search_documents (doctype)  

(mysql): CREATE INDEX mdl_seardocu_ite_ix ON mdl_search_documents (itemtype)  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_search_documents RENAME TO mdl_block_search_documents  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents MODIFY COLUMN doctype VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none' after docid  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents MODIFY COLUMN itemtype VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'standard' after doctype  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents MODIFY COLUMN title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after itemtype  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents MODIFY COLUMN url VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after title  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents DROP COLUMN docdate  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents DROP COLUMN updated  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents ADD docdate BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after url  

(mysql): ALTER TABLE mdl_block_search_documents ADD updated BIGINT(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 after docdate  
Global Search tables have been set up correctly

New version of Search Forums (search_forums) exists

Search Forums tables have been set up correctly

New version of Section Links (section_links) exists

Section Links tables have been set up correctly

New version of Main Menu (site_main_menu) exists

Main Menu tables have been set up correctly

New version of Social Activities (social_activities) exists

Social Activities tables have been set up correctly


Flickr tables have been set up correctly


Youtube tables have been set up correctly


Tags tables have been set up correctly

enrol/authorize plugin needs upgrading

authorize tables have been set up correctly

grade/export/ods plugin needs upgrading

ods tables have been set up correctly

grade/export/txt plugin needs upgrading

txt tables have been set up correctly

grade/export/xls plugin needs upgrading

xls tables have been set up correctly

grade/export/xml plugin needs upgrading

xml tables have been set up correctly

grade/import/csv plugin needs upgrading

csv tables have been set up correctly

grade/import/xml plugin needs upgrading

xml tables have been set up correctly

grade/report/grader plugin needs upgrading

grader tables have been set up correctly

grade/report/outcomes plugin needs upgrading

outcomes tables have been set up correctly

grade/report/overview plugin needs upgrading

overview tables have been set up correctly

grade/report/user plugin needs upgrading

user tables have been set up correctly