1.I.P. stands for Internet Passive in IP address. A) True B) False ANSWER: B 2.The year which Internet originated A) 1969 B) 1949 C) 1959 D) 1939 ANSWER: A 3.It is a term used to describe a range of high-speed [broadband] communications services offered over the Public Switched Telephone Network A) Cable Internet B) DSL C) Cellular Radio Network D) Sattelite Internet Service ANSWER: B 4.A business that provides individuals or organizations access to the internet A) Access Points B) Access bouys C) Access links D) Access Providers ANSWER: D 5.is the text version of a digital address A) main domain B) Domain name C) homepage D) DNS ANSWER: B 6.a medium that translates the domain name into its associated IP address A) Homepage B) Access providers C) Domain Name System Server D) IP ADDRESS ANSWER: C 7.A unique set of digital numbers that replaces the domain names A) Binary numbers B) Octal codes C) IP Address D) IP certificates ANSWER: C 8.Generic Top level domain function for internet communications A) COM B) NET C) INFO D) TEL ANSWER: D 9.Generic Top level domain function for commercial organizations A) JOBS B) COM C) INFO D) ORG ANSWER: B 10.Generic Top level domain function for armed forces organizations A) MIL B) GOV C) INFO D) CAT ANSWER: A 11.is a collection of related Web pages and associated items A) Homepage B) DNS Server C) website D) web server ANSWER: C 12.is a computer that delivers requested Web pages to your computer A) Homepage B) DNS Server C) website D) web server ANSWER: D 13.An application that allows users to access the internet A) IP ADDRESS B) Domain name C) Web access D) Browser ANSWER: D 14.The web page that carries most of the link in/of a website A) Domain name B) IP address C) Web Desk D) Homepage ANSWER: D 15.allows you to open and view multiple pages for multi tasking A) Browsers B) Tabbed Browsing C) Domain browsing D) Network application ANSWER: B 16.Classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories A) Search Engines B) Topic Engine C) Subject Directory D) Back end directory ANSWER: C 17.Finds information related to a specific topic A) Search Engines B) Topic Engine C) Subject Directory D) Back end directory ANSWER: A 18.Which does not belong to the group A) Web Crawler B) Gigablast C) Google D) EXCITE ANSWER: A 19.Which does not belong to the group A) Open Directory Project B) CUIL C) ALTA VISTA D) Web Crawler ANSWER: A 20.is a digital representation of non-text information A) Video B) Graphic C) Sound D) Animation ANSWER: B 21.It replaces big sized graphic to allow maximization of homepage space A) Thumbmark B) Thumbnail C) GIF D) JPG ANSWER: B 22.the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the movie is shown as a sequence A) Video B) Graphic C) Sound D) Animation ANSWER: D 23.is the process of transferring data in a continuous and even flow A) tabbed browsing B) Streaming C) media Digitzier D) Audio player ANSWER: B 24.is a medium used with computers to simulate a real or imagined environment A) Streaming B) Virtual Reality Streaming C) Data Packeting D) World Wide Web ANSWER: B 25.is the development and maintenance of Web pages A) Desktop Publisher B) Web Hosting C) Web Streaming D) Web Publishing ANSWER: D