1._______ are ip addresses expressed in natural language. A) Tcp ip B) domain name C) nat D) gateways ANSWER: B 2._________ are addresses used by Web browsers to identify location of content on the Web. A) Uniform resource locator B) Domain Server C) Ip address D) Tcp ip ANSWER: A 3._________ the current version of ip address A) Ipv2 B) Ipv3 C) Ipv4 D) Ipv6 ANSWER: C 4._________ allows numeric IP addresses to be expressed in natural language A) DNS B) NAT C) URL D) HTTP ANSWER: A 5._________ is a method of slicing digital messages into packets A) Packet slicing B) packeting C) Packet switching D) Packet forwarding ANSWER: C 6.________ special purpose computers that interconnect the computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets to their ultimate destination A) Network switch B) router C) modem D) internet service provider ANSWER: B 7._______ provides the Internet's addressing scheme. A) Internet Service Provider B) TCP C) IP D) router ANSWER: C 8._______ establishes the connections among sending and receiving Web computers, handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end. A) Internet Service Provider B) TCP C) IP D) router ANSWER: B 9._______ is a model of computing in which very powerful personal computers (clients) are connected in a network with one or more server computers that perform common functions for the clients, such as storing files, software applications, etc.. A) Peer to peer B) Client/server C) server D) pc to pc ANSWER: B 10._______ protocol is used to transfer Web pages A) tcp B) ip C) http D) snmp ANSWER: C 11.Utility program that allows you to check connection between client and server A) tracert B) ping C) ipconfig D) netstat ANSWER: B 12.Utility program that allows you to follow path of a message sent from a client to a remote computer: A) tracert B) ping C) ipconfig D) netstat ANSWER: A 13._______ is the text version of an IP address. A) IP Address B) Domain Name C) http D) URL ANSWER: B 14.________ allows users to access Web pages. A) Website B) Web page C) Web browser D) www ANSWER: C 15.______ Allows client computers to share resources without intervention of a central server A) Peer to peer B) Client server C) Tcp ip D) dns ANSWER: A 16.An interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers, linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies and individuals A) internet B) world wide web C) extranet D) intranet ANSWER: A 17.One of the Internet's most popular services, providing access to over 6 billion Web pages A) intranet B) extranet C) world wide web D) facebook ANSWER: C 18.which of the following is not included in tcp/ip protocol suite A) Application Layer B) Transport layer C) Network interface layer D) Presentation layer ANSWER: D 19._________ leases Internet access to home owners, small businesses and some large institutions A) Internet backbone B) Internet Service Providers C) ARPANET D) none of the above ANSWER: B 20.set of rules for formatting, ordering, compressing and error-checking messages A) ping B) tcp C) protocol D) command ANSWER: C