1.It is the physical machine and electronic components that makes a computer system. A) Software B) Hardware C) Peopleware D) All of the Above ANSWER: B 2.It is the programs and other operating information used by a computer. A) Software B) Hardware C) Peopleware D) All of the Above ANSWER: A 3.These refer to the clients, users and / or end user of the computer system. A) Software B) Hardware C) Peopleware D) All of the Above ANSWER: C 4.It executes, interpret and process instructions for computer systems to operate. A) Central Processing Unit B) Hard Disk Drive C) CD-ROM D) Random Acess Memory ANSWER: A 5.1964 IBM 360 model 30 id very much an example of what kind of computer? A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Super Computer D) Mainframe ANSWER: D 6.Known as midrange computers, its capacity is between microcomputers and mainframes A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Super Computer D) Mainframe ANSWER: B 7.It was developed for smaller institutions A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Super Computer D) Mainframe ANSWER: B 8.A computer that has 6 to 1000 processors and performs up to 2.4 trillion floating-point operations per second. A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Super Computer D) Mainframe ANSWER: C 9.Tandy Corporation and Apple Computer, Inc. made such type of computers for single-user purpose. A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Super Computer D) Mainframe ANSWER: A 10.A Networked computers that supports engineering and technical users and requires powerful CPUs,large main memory and extremely high resolution graphic displays A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Workstations D) Mainframe ANSWER: C 11.Computing power rises exponentially is an attribute affiliated to? A) Advancements in computer B) Moore's Law C) IBM expat Law D) Classes of Computer ANSWER: B 12.A Mail Server is an example of what kind of computer? A) Micro computer B) Mini Computer C) Super Computer D) Mainframe ANSWER: C 13.A device that provides battery backup when the electrical power fails or drops to an unacceptable voltage level. A) Uninterruptble Processor Supply B) Uninterruptble Power Surge C) Uninterruptble Power Supply D) Uninterruptble Prior Surge ANSWER: C 14.is a hardware device used to maintain an electric current to electronic devices. A) Auto Volt Meter B) Auto Voltage Regulator C) Anonymic Vain Regulator D) Audio Video Regulator ANSWER: B 15.An input device that encodes alphanumeric and common symbols. A) Keyboard B) Stylus C) Mouse D) pen ANSWER: A 17.Device connected to the computer that allows a user to manipulate sketch environment of an application in computers. A) Keyboard B) Sketch app C) Mouse D) Stylus Pen and Pad ANSWER: D 21.Part of the computer where most calculations take place. A) Hard Disk Drive B) RAM module C) North bridge D) CPU ANSWER: D 22.is an electronic device that incorporates either a fan or a peltier device to keep a hot component such as a processor cool. A) Heat Sink B) Coolant oil C) Fan D) All the Above ANSWER: D 25.A computer component that reads a media disc which allows the computer to read and play a file A) RAM B) ROM C) Media App D) CD digitizer ANSWER: B 26.is a data storage device used for storing and retrieving digital information using one or more rigid rapidly rotating disks platters coated with magnetic material. A) Compact Disc B) CD ROM C) HDD D) USB ANSWER: C 27.a printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen. A) Video Card B) Screen Digitizer C) LCD Circuit board D) Projector Sync ANSWER: A 28.a device that can be slotted into a computer to allow the use of audio components for multimedia applications. A) Video Card B) Screen Digitizer C) Sound Card D) Projector Sync ANSWER: B 29.is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network. A) Video Card B) Screen Digitizer C) Sound Card D) Lan Card ANSWER: D 30.Coder are the users who makes scripts or programs usually for fun or learning. Sometimes for malicious purposes. A) True B) False ANSWER: A 31.Someone who retrieves password hashes or the limitation of non-free software. A) Cracker B) Coder C) H4x0r D) Leecher ANSWER: A 32. Writes tutorials or text files for online viewing/sharing. A) Cracker B) E-writer C) H4x0r D) Leecher ANSWER: B 33.Dedicated fan of computer games who plays them for fun or a sense of accomplishment over others. They also take gaming real seriously. A) Cracker B) Gamer C) H4x0r D) Leecher ANSWER: B 34.H4x0r knows interesting facts about computers but does not know a lot or has less experience. The hacker in self-training. Many regard this user type as a n00b posing as a hacker. A) True B) False ANSWER: A 35.Steals codes made by other coders and uses them for malicious or selfish purposes A) Hacker B) Leecher C) Script kiddie D) Cracker ANSWER: C 36.Young or new user to the online world struggling to find their proper user type. A) Hacker B) H4x0R C) Leecher D) Noob ANSWER: D 37.User that is well versed in writing codes, virusesmay and crack passwords or software. A) Hacker B) H4x0R C) Leecher D) Noob ANSWER: A 38.The user who searches sites for free downloads of software or other files then re posts it or sell it. A) Hacker B) H4x0R C) Leecher D) Noob ANSWER: C 39.Pawns are Un-Distracted person who uses the computer and internet mainly for their work. A) True B) False ANSWER: A 40.Penny-Flashers are A) User who browses through images, icons, themes, and other eye candy for the interface. B) Un-Distracted person who uses the computer and internet mainly for their work. C) Steals scripts made by coders and posts/uses them for malicious/selfish purposes D) The user who mainly plays free flash games on the internet. ANSWER: D 41.User who browses through images, icons, themes, and other eye-candy for the interface. A) Penny Flasher B) Imager C) Leecher D) Noob ANSWER: B 42.Virus Writer are those programmers that are not coder who writes viruses and other malicious code as a form of art. A) True B) False ANSWER: B 43.Pawns are User who uses the computer mainly for work on an office-suite. A) True B) False ANSWER: B 44.User who mainly uses the net to access social-networking sites, chatrooms, and maybe email for online communication. A) Blogger B) Social Networker C) Self broadcaster D) Forum Member ANSWER: B 45.Self Broadcaster is User who uploads video media to transmit themselves, make tutorials, or even share music. A) True B) False ANSWER: A 46.A user that updates and posts. A) Blogger B) Social Networker C) Self broadcaster D) Forum Member ANSWER: A 47.Dedicated member of a group who makes updates and posts regularly for the rest of the members. A) Blogger B) Social Networker C) Self broadcaster D) Forum Member ANSWER: D 48.Cracks and or distributes cracked software. A) Pawn B) Social Networker C) Pirate D) Forum Member ANSWER: C 49.Creates and uploads images, icons, or other media to enhance or personalize the look of the interface. A) Blogger B) Leecher C) Artist D) Self Broadcaster ANSWER: C 50.A user who tunes the settings, configuration, and the look and performance of their own OS and/or hardware to fit their need. A) Pirate B) Cracker C) Tweaker D) H4x0r ANSWER: C 51.A user who create GUI Programs that makes a particular process faster, more productive, or even possible. A) Pirate B) Cracker C) Tweaker D) Programmer ANSWER: D 53.The operating system is an example of an application software. A) True B) False ANSWER: B 55.Spreadsheet is an example of a communications software A) True B) False ANSWER: B