_______ are ip addresses expressed in natural language. A) Tcp ip B) domain name C) nat D) gateways ANSWER: B _______ are addresses used by Web browsers to identify location of content on the Web. A) Uniform resource locator B) Domain Server C) Ip address D) Tcp ip ANSWER: A ________ the current version of ip address A) Ipv2 B) Ipv3 C) Ipv4 D) Ipv6 ANSWER: C _______ allows numeric IP addresses to be expressed in natural language A) DNS B) NAT C) URL D) HTTP ANSWER: A _______ is a method of slicing digital messages into packets A) Packet slicing B) packeting C) Packet switching D) Packet forwarding ANSWER: C ______ special purpose computers that interconnect the computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets to their ultimate destination A) Network switch B) router C) modem D) internet service provider ANSWER: B _____ provides the Internet's addressing scheme. A) Internet Service Provider B) TCP C) IP D) router ANSWER: C _____ establishes the connections among sending and receiving Web computers, handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end. A) Internet Service Provider B) TCP C) IP D) router ANSWER: B _____ is a model of computing in which very powerful personal computers (clients) are connected in a network with one or more server computers that perform common functions for the clients, such as storing files, software applications, etc.. A) Peer to peer B) Client/server C) server D) pc to pc ANSWER: B _____ protocol is used to transfer Web pages A) tcp B) ip C) http D) snmp ANSWER: C Utility program that allows you to check connection between client and server A) tracert B) ping C) ipconfig D) netstat ANSWER: B Utility program that allows you to follow path of a message sent from a client to a remote computer: A) tracert B) ping C) ipconfig D) netstat ANSWER: A _____ is the text version of an IP address. A) IP Address B) Domain Name C) http D) URL ANSWER: B ______ allows users to access Web pages. A) Website B) Web page C) Web browser D) www ANSWER: C ____ Allows client computers to share resources without intervention of a central server A) Peer to peer B) Client server C) Tcp ip D) dns ANSWER: A An interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers, linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies and individuals A) internet B) world wide web C) extranet D) intranet ANSWER: A One of the Internet's most popular services, providing access to over 6 billion Web pages A) intranet B) extranet C) world wide web D) facebook ANSWER: C which of the following is not included in tcp/ip protocol suite A) Application Layer B) Transport layer C) Network interface layer D) Presentation layer ANSWER: D _______ leases Internet access to home owners, small businesses and some large institutions A) Internet backbone B) Internet Service Providers C) ARPANET D) none of the above ANSWER: B set of rules for formatting, ordering, compressing and error-checking messages A) ping B) tcp C) protocol D) command ANSWER: C It involve the exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries in return for products and services. A) Commerical Transactions B) E Commerce C) E business ANSWER: A Digitally mediated transactions A) Commerical Transactions B) Digital enabled transactions C) Circuit Transactions ANSWER: B refers primarily to the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm. A) Commerical Transactions B) E- Commerce C) E-business ANSWER: C is the state of being everywhere all the time A) Ubiquity B) In-depth factors C) Short-reach ANSWER: A a required or agreed level of technological quality or attainment. A) Global reach B) Ubiquity C) Universal Standards ANSWER: C A unique trait of e-commerce technology that allows the consumer or handler design their own product. A) Information Density B) Personalization/Customization C) Interactivity ANSWER: B A trait that lessens information costs and raises quality. A) Information Density B) Personalization/Customization C) Interactivity D) Information Density ANSWER: D A form of disadvantage from e-commerce that gives consumers inability to test, check goods or products. A) Purchase to Delivery B) Inability to Feel the Physical C) Consumers feel less confident with their credit card numbers ANSWER: B Routers use computer program to ensure server connection A) True B) False ANSWER: B a set of rules for formatting, ordering, compressing and error-checking messages A) TCP B) Protocol C) Router Algorithm D) Computing Algorithm ANSWER: B IP addresses may be provided by user or modem/ router. A) True B) False ANSWER: A Only one among the choices is an example of a TCP IP layer A) Transcript Layer B) Transport Layer C) WEB Layer D) Conceptualization Layer ANSWER: B TCP / IP is divided into ___ separate layers A) 3 layers B) 4 Layers C) 5 Layers D) 6 Layers ANSWER: B IPv4 is the current version of IP A) True B) False ANSWER: B IPv4 can handle up to A) 4 million addresses B) 5 million addresses C) 5 Billion Addresses D) 4 Billion Addresses ANSWER: D Internet address is also called IP Address A) True B) False ANSWER: A Internet address is a 64-bit number expressed as a series of four separate numbers marked off by periods A) True B) False ANSWER: B Internet address is a 32-bit number expressed as a series of four separate numbers marked off by periods A) True B) False ANSWER: A IPv6 uses 128-bit addresses and be able to handle up 1 quadrillion addresses A) True B) False ANSWER: A allows numeric IP addresses to be expressed in natural language A) Data packets B) DNS C) Routing System D) Firewall ANSWER: B It is the addresses used by Web browsers to identify location of content on the Web A) DNS B) URL C) Binary Language System D) EMS ANSWER: B URL stands for A) Uniform Resource Locator B) Unified Resource Language C) Uniform Routing Locator D) Uniform Routing Language ANSWER: A It is a type of protocol that is used to transfer web pages A) SMTP B) POP C) IMAP D) HTTP ANSWER: D Protocol that permits users to transfer files from server to client and vice versa A) FTP B) SMTP C) TELNET D) POP ANSWER: A All protocol on the list is used to send and recieve e-mail except A) FTP B) IMAP C) SMTP D) POP ANSWER: A Allows client computers to share resources without intervention of a central server A) P2P computing B) CLient to server processing C) Central server SOP D) B2P Computing ANSWER: A Utility program that allows you to check connection between client and server A) TRACERT B) PING C) FINGER D) TELNET ANSWER: B Consists of high-bandwidth fiber-optic cable owned by a variety of Network Service Providers A) TELNET B) PING C) Internet backbone D) Central Server ANSWER: C ______ refers primarily to the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm A) EBusiness B) ECommerce C) MCommerce D) Commerce ANSWER: A It enables technology to be available everywhere at any given time A) Global Reach B) Ubiquity C) Universal Standards D) Richness ANSWER: B Ubiquity implies that video,audio and text messages are possible through ecommerce A) True B) False ANSWER: B a unique feature of Ecommerce that allows technology works through interplay with the user. A) Ubiquity B) Global Reach C) Interactivity D) Information Density ANSWER: C Arranging suites that allows messages to customer/clients needs. A) Information Density B) Personalization/Customization C) Information density D) Universal standards ANSWER: B refers primarily to the digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under the control of the firm. A) ebusiness B) ecommerce C) C2C D) B2B ANSWER: A is a business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as the internet. A) ebusiness B) ecommerce C) C2C D) B2B ANSWER: B consists of the sale of goods and services to the general public A) C2C B) B2B C) B2C D) P2P ANSWER: C occurs when one consumer sells directly to another, such as in an online auction. A) C2C B) B2B C) B2C D) P2P ANSWER: A _________ is simply defined as ecommerce between companies. A) C2C B) B2B C) B2C D) P2P ANSWER: B ________ ecommerce enables Internet users to share files and computer resources directly without having to go through a central Web Server. A) C2C B) B2B C) B2C D) P2P ANSWER: D _______ is an example of a B2C eCommerce. A) Heinz selling ketchup to Mc Donalds B) Apple is selling me an iPod. C) Rita is selling her iPod at www.ayosdito.com D) All of the above ANSWER: B _______ is an example of a C2C eCommerce. A) Sam is selling his tablet at www.davaosale.com B) Rey is selling his iPhone to Sam. C) A and B D) None of the above. ANSWER: C _______ is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless technology-i.e., handheld devices. A) eCommerce B) TVCommerce C) mCommerce D) RadioCommerce ANSWER: C _______ is an example of a B2B eCommerce. A) A Papercup company sells cups to McDonalds B) Intel selling microprocessor to Dell C) Goodyear sells tires to Toyota D) All of the above. ANSWER: D _______ is a business that provides individuals and organizations access to the Internet. A) Globe B) WiFi C) Access Provider D) Smart Broadband ANSWER: C The internet was created mainly for: A) ecommerce B) social networking C) video streaming D) none of the above ANSWER: D _______ is the text version of an IP address. A) IP Address B) Domain Name C) http D) URL ANSWER: B ________ allows users to access Web pages. A) Website B) Web page C) Web browser D) www ANSWER: C A/An ________is a small version of a larger graphic. A) icon B) graphics C) jpeg D) thumbnail ANSWER: D A/An ________ is a program that extends the capability of a Web browser A) internet B) plug-in C) broadband D) Chrome ANSWER: B A/An ______ is the first page that a Web site displays A) webpage B) homepage C) frontpage D) webserver ANSWER: B ________ enables users to speak to other users over the Internet A) Router B) VoIP C) chat D) Instant Messaging ANSWER: B _________is the development and maintenance of Web pages? A) Web hosting B) programming C) Web Publishing D) none of the above ANSWER: C ________ is a worldwide collection of networks A) world wide web B) Networking C) Internet D) Arpanet ANSWER: C Commercial transactions are transactions mediated by digital technology A) True B) False ANSWER: B Selling my car to my neighbor is an example of B2B ecommerce A) True B) False ANSWER: B Mobile ticketing is an example of m-commerce A) True B) False ANSWER: A One disadvantage of ecommerce is it allows small businesses to mix with the big business online A) True B) False ANSWER: B E commerce is different and more powerful than any of the other technologies we have seen in the past century A) True B) False ANSWER: A The internet will still function even if part of the network is disabled or destroyed by a disaster A) True B) False ANSWER: A Cable internet service is also an example of broadband connection A) True B) False ANSWER: A Globe is an example of an Access Provider A) True B) False ANSWER: A An IP address is a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet A) True B) False ANSWER: A Mozilla firefox is an example of a web browser A) True B) False ANSWER: A ______ are ip addresses expressed in natural language. A) Tcp/ip B) domain name C) nat D) gateways ANSWER: B _________ are addresses used by Web browsers to identify location of content on the Web. A) Uniform resource locator B) Domain Server C) Ip address D) Tcp/ip ANSWER: A _________ the current version of ip address A) Ipv2 B) Ipv3 C) Ipv4 D) Ipv6 ANSWER: D _________ allows numeric IP addresses to be expressed in natural language A) DNS B) NAT C) URL D) HTTP ANSWER: A _________ is a method of slicing digital messages into packets A) Packet slicing B) packeting C) Packet switching D) Packet forwarding ANSWER: C ________ special purpose computers that interconnect the computer networks that make up the Internet and route packets to their ultimate destination A) Network switch B) router C) modem D) internet service provider ANSWER: B ______ provides the Internet's addressing scheme. A) Internet Service Provider B) TCP C) IP D) router ANSWER: C _______ establishes the connections among sending and receiving Web computers, handles the assembly of packets at the point of transmission, and their reassembly at the receiving end. A) Internet Service Provider B) TCP C) IP D) router ANSWER: B _______ is a model of computing in which very powerful personal computers (clients) are connected in a network with one or more server computers that perform common functions for the clients, such as storing files, software applications, etc.. A) Peer to peer B) Client/server C) server D) pc to pc ANSWER: B _______ protocol is used to transfer Web pages A) tcp B) ip C) http D) snmp ANSWER: C Utility program that allows you to check connection between client and server A) tracert B) ping C) ipconfig D) netstat ANSWER: B Utility program that allows you to follow path of a message sent from a client to a remote computer: A) tracert B) ping C) ipconfig D) netstat ANSWER: A _______ is the text version of an IP address. A) IP Address B) Domain Name C) http D) URL ANSWER: B ________ allows users to access Web pages. A) Website B) Web page C) Web browser D) www ANSWER: C _____ Allows client computers to share resources without intervention of a central server A) Peer to peer B) Client/server C) Tcp/ip D) dns ANSWER: A An interconnected network of thousands of networks and millions of computers, linking businesses, educational institutions, government agencies and individuals A) internet B) world wide web C) extranet D) intranet ANSWER: A One of the Internet's most popular services, providing access to over 6 billion Web pages A) intranet B) extranet C) world wide web D) facebook ANSWER: C which of the following is not included in tcp/ip protocol suite A) Application Layer B) Transport layer C) Network interface layer D) Presentation layer ANSWER: D _________ leases Internet access to home owners, small businesses and some large institutions A) Internet backbone B) Internet Service Providers C) ARPANET D) none of the above ANSWER: B Set of rules for formatting, ordering, compressing and error-checking messages A) ping B) tcp C) protocol D) command ANSWER: C A Techno-Infra-compulsive behavior which interferes with normal living within ones' work environment A) Internet Dependency B) Audo Deficiency C) Cyber Bullying D) None of the Above ANSWER: A refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. A) Copyright B) Cyber Bullying C) Intellectual Property Right D) Fair Use ANSWER: C An act of copying a material with or without intent of self gain. A) Plagiarism B) Telecommunications Piracy C) Copyright D) Fair Use ANSWER: B An act of avoiding responsibility thru payment. A) Tax Mis Declaration B) Tax Evasion C) Plagiarism D) Copyright infringement ANSWER: B An act of defying,destroying materials thru internet. A) Electronic Vandalism B) Hacking C) Electronic Extortion D) Electronic Terrorism ANSWER: A Illegally taking money in exchange for security breach A) Electronic Vandalism B) Hacking C) Electronic Extortion D) Electronic Terrorism ANSWER: C To cover direct loss of money, securities and other property resulting directly from the use of any computer to fraudulently transfer insured property from inside the insured premises or bank premises is an act of? A) Electronic Vandalism B) Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud C) Sales and Investment fraud D) Electronic Terrorism ANSWER: B listening to or recording, by any means, such a communication in its passage over that telecommunications system without the knowledge of the person making the communication is an act of ? A) Illegal Interception of Telecommunication B) Electronic Fund Transfer Fraud C) Espionage D) Electronic Terrorism ANSWER: A