1.It defines as a set of parts that works together to achieve a common goal. A) Computer B) System C) Data processing D) Number Operations ANSWER: B 2.an electronic device for storing and processing data, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. A) System B) Computer C) Binary Algorithm D) Data Process ANSWER: B 3.a printed circuit board controlling output to a display screen. A) CPU B) RAMM C) Motherboard D) Video Card ANSWER: D 4.It is the Number system that is represented with 2 numbers A) Digital Electronics B) Octal Number System C) Binary Number System D) Loop Numbering System ANSWER: C 5.a device that can be slotted into a computer to allow the use of audio components for multimedia applications. A) Sound Card B) Video Card C) Motherboard D) RAMM ANSWER: A 6.10110001 in octal form is 261. A) True B) False ANSWER: A 7.It is the memory or information storage in a computer that is used to store running programs and data for the programs. A) ROM B) RAMM C) Hard Drive D) PCI ANSWER: B 8.B1 base 16 in Decimal form is 177 A) True B) False ANSWER: A 9. is an electrical apparatus that provides emergency power to a load when the input power source or mains power fails. A) Auto Voltage Regulator B) Uninterruptable Power Source C) Alternate Current D) Direct Current ANSWER: B 10.576 base 8 in binary form is 101111110 A) True B) False ANSWER: A 11.PCB in a motherboard stands for A) Printed Circuit Board B) Port Currently Blocked C) Port Current Bream D) Port Craddled Board ANSWER: A 12.A connector that connects a three-row 15-pin DE-15 that allows computers to display a processed instruction thru GUI. A) Sound Card Port B) VGA Cable C) Power Cables D) PCI-E cable ANSWER: B 13.ENIVAC and UNIVAC-1 are examples of second generation computers A) False B) True ANSWER: A 14. One of the developers of UNIVAC is A) John Mauchly B) Charles Babbage C) Paul Eisler D) Charles Darwin ANSWER: A 15.1101100 base 2 in hexadecimal form is A) 5C B) D3 C) 6C D) A3 ANSWER: C 16.Which generations of computer did they start using transistors? A) First Generation B) Second Generation C) Third Generation D) Fourth Generation ANSWER: B 17.Scientists who hleped develop transistors A) John Mauchly and William Shockley B) William Shockley and Charles Babbage C) John Barden and William Shockley D) William Brattain and William Shockley ANSWER: C 18.is a hardware device used to maintain a voltage to electronic devices. A) Uninterrutable Power Source B) Auto Voltage Regulator C) Circuit Board Regulator D) Transistors ANSWER: B 19.Examples of second generation computers are ibm1400 ibm7094 and cdc164 A) True B) False ANSWER: A 20.One breakthrough in 1947. A) Vacuum Tubes were replaced by Transistors B) Integrated Circuits were used C) IBM 370 was made available D) Microprocessors was introduced ANSWER: A 21.Second genration computers used Machine Language A) True B) False ANSWER: B 22.All are examples of third generation computer except A) IBM 370 B) Univac 1108 C) IBM 360 D) IBM 7094 ANSWER: D 23.ACE base 16 in octal form is A) 5316 B) 5361 C) 5631 D) 6531 ANSWER: A 24.Fourth generation of computers began the use of A) Vacuum tubes B) IBM 360 C) Microprocessors D) Integrated Circuits ANSWER: C 25.The man behind microporcessors is? A) Ted Hoff B) William Shockley C) Bill Gates D) William Brattain ANSWER: A 26.LSI and VLSI are two key feautres of what generation? A) Second Generation of computers B) Third Generation of Computers C) Fourth Generation of Computers D) Fifth Genration of Computers ANSWER: C 27.The year when microprocessors were integrated in the computer? A) 1965 B) 1971 C) 1958 D) 1961 ANSWER: B 28.Which company used the first microprocessors? A) Apple B) Macintosh C) Linux D) Intel ANSWER: D 29.National Labortory in Los Alamos use this type of computer for their study of the origin of universe. A) Cray supercomputer B) Roadrunner C) MultiVac D) Nebulae ANSWER: B 30.The type of computers used in banks and insurance companies are what kind of computers? A) Mainframe computers B) Supercomputers C) Micro Computer D) Mini Computers ANSWER: A 31.36A base 16 is what in binary form? A) 11011010001 B) 11001011010 C) 1101101010 D) 10010100100 ANSWER: C 32.This part of a computer is where most calculation takes place. A) Random Access Memory Module B) Hard Disk Drive C) Central Processing Unit D) Dos Prompt ANSWER: C 33.It is where currently used data and applications are kept. A) Random Access Memory Module B) Hard Disk Drive C) Central Processing Unit D) Dos Prompt ANSWER: A 34.A tool that converts main current to low voltage regulated direct current power for the computer to function. A) Auto Voltage Regulator B) Uninteruptable Power Supply C) Power Supply Unit D) RJ 45 ANSWER: C 35.is the slot that allows a computer to connect to a network using a wired connection. A) Sound Port B) Video Port C) PS2 port D) LAN Port ANSWER: D 36.13E1D base 16 is what in Decimal form? A) 81437 B) 81536 C) 81439 D) 84137 ANSWER: A 37.a unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the Internet Protocol to communicate over a network. A) Subnet Mask B) IP Address C) DNS Server D) Default Gateway ANSWER: B 38.It is the way in which constituent parts are interrelated or arranged. A) LAN B) MAN C) WAN D) Topology ANSWER: D 39.A topology that uses a common backbone to connect all devices. A) BUS B) STAR C) MESH D) RING ANSWER: A 40.A topology that joins multiple star topologies together onto a bus. A) BUS B) TREE C) MESH D) RING ANSWER: B 41.A type of topology that requires more cable.A failure in any cable does not affect the whole system.but when the HUB fails, entire network also fails. A) BUS B) TREE C) MESH D) STAR ANSWER: D 42.A topology that introduces the concept of routes.Unlike each of the previous topologies, messages sent on this network can take any of several possible paths from source to destination. A) BUS B) TREE C) MESH D) STAR ANSWER: C 43.4958 base 10 in Hexadecimal form is? A) 145D B) 136E C) 135E D) 134E ANSWER: C 44.1001101011110 base 2 in Decimal form is? A) 4957 B) 4893 C) 5889 D) 4958 ANSWER: D 45.1100010100100101 base 2 in octal form is? A) 142445 B) 144246 C) 134434 D) 142443 ANSWER: A Essay: 1.Describe how the fifth generation of computers will revolutionize and shape the digital world. 2.How does Moore's Law differ each generation from each other.