__________ allows you to create not only personal accounts but also pages and groups where you can share content. A) Social Media Platforms B) Blogging Platforms C) Content Management System D) Cloud Computing ANSWER: A Describes the act of storing, managing and processing data online. A) Cloud Computing B) ICT C) Computer Literacy D) Storage ANSWER: A A computer application that allows you to publish, edit and manipulate, organize and delete web content. A) Content Management System B) Blogging Platforms C) ICT D) Social Media Platforms ANSWER: A Websites like ___________ focus on the content and design. It lets you create blog or websites that you can use for different purposes. A) WordPress and Wix B) Tumblr and Facebook C) Facebook and WordPress D) WordPress and Instagram ANSWER: A Below are the advantages of using cloud computing, except: A) You do not own the software, you are simply renting it. B) No need to install. C) Saves hard disk space. D) Minimum system requirements. ANSWER: A Which of the following is an advantage of using cloud computing? A) No need to update because it updates automatically. B) Limited control over the infrastructure itself. C) More prone to hacking. D) May still require compatible software like a browser. ANSWER: A The WordPress post editor is an example of a cloud computing software. A) True B) False ANSWER: A Blogging platforms does not have the capability to be customized. A) True B) False ANSWER: B HTML stands for: A) Hypertext Markup Language B) Hypertext Markup Link C) Hypertext Making Language D) Hypertext Mark Language ANSWER: A The browser does not display the HTML tags, but uses them to determine how to display the document. A) True B) False ANSWER: A In HTML, the <body> element/tag specifies a title for the document. A) True B) False ANSWER: B Which attribute of the <a> tag specifies the URL (web address) for a link? A) href B) src C) title D) alt ANSWER: A The _____ attribute in HTML is used in the <img> tag to define the location/filename of the image inserted in the webpage. A) src B) alt C) href D) width ANSWER: A A website that contains information from different sources and places them in one location in a uniform way. A) Web Portal B) Content Management System C) Yahoo.com D) Social Media ANSWER: A Which of the following website is an example of a web portal? A) Yahoo B) Pinterest C) Instagram D) Trello ANSWER: A A collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, it tells you what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. A) Trello B) WordPress C) Wix D) Yammer ANSWER: A Below are examples of online collaborative tool, except: A) Google B) Trello C) Facebook groups D) MS Office Online ANSWER: A An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online. A) Podcasts B) Vodcasts C) Courseware D) Audio Streaming ANSWER: A An episodic series of video streamed online. A) Vodcasts B) Podcasts C) Courseware D) Video Streaming ANSWER: A Which of the following is not an example of a multimedia content found in a website? A) Text B) Courseware C) Online tests D) Videos ANSWER: A Refers to the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal. A) Advocacy B) change.org C) Mission D) Social Campaign ANSWER: A An online petition platform that allows online community to create or sign petitions. A) change.org B) Social Campaign C) Advocacy D) PeopleFinder ANSWER: A During typhoon Yolanda what vital tool was used for people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives? A) PersonFinder B) change.org C) Facebook D) Google ANSWER: A The organizers and promoters of the Million People March used ______________ as their medium. A) Facebook and Change.org B) Facebook C) Change.org D) Social campaign ANSWER: A What made EDSA Dos protest successful? A) Text brigades B) Facebook C) Change.org D) radio ANSWER: A Which radio station did Cardinal Sin utilized to call on the Filipino people to support the rally against President Marcos? A) Radyo Veritas B) DZMM C) DZRH D) Radyo Dos ANSWER: A A document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a product, program, or service become a reality. A) Concept paper B) Advocacy C) Social Campaign D) Vision ANSWER: A An element of the concept paper which contains the budget needed for the project. A) Support B) Sponsor C) Budget D) Description ANSWER: A In the simplified ICT project process, ________ involves responding to feedback of your site visitors and continuing to improve the website. A) Maintenance B) Development C) Planning D) Continuous Improvement ANSWER: A A process in an ICT project which involves the actual creation of the website and production of images and infographics. A) Development B) Maintenance C) Planning D) Design ANSWER: A Refers to the statistics characterizing human population usually divided by age, gender, income, location, and language. A) Demographics B) Survey C) Statistics D) Respondents ANSWER: A Using statistics, you can determine which day and time you can reach most of your reader or site audience. A) True B) False ANSWER: A In WordPress only premium users can view monthly and annual statistics. A) True B) False ANSWER: B One the tools available from Google Docs collection which can be a useful tool to help you plan events, send a survey, give students a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. A) Google Forms B) Google Survey C) Survey Questionnaire D) Survey Forms ANSWER: A In google forms you may download responses in .xls form. A) True B) False ANSWER: B Defined as illegal acts done through the use of the Internet. A) Cybercrimes B) Cyberbullying C) Hacking D) Phishing ANSWER: A The act of anonymously using the internet to harass, abuse, threaten, or annoy other people. A) Electronic Harassment B) Bullying C) Extortion D) Blackmail ANSWER: A URL tracing and logging are used by websites to track users unique IT addresses. A) True B) False ANSWER: B When navigating the web, you need to take precautions to avoid fake websites that ask for your personal information and pages that contain malware. A) True B) False ANSWER: A The act of obtaining unauthorized access to data from a computer network. A) Hacking B) Phishing C) Spamming D) Extortion ANSWER: A