// question: 0 name: switch category to $course$/FINAL_RS2
// question: 1884 name: . God revealed Himself most fully through the life of a man in a process that spanned natural birth, development to adulthood and extended mission and death and resurrection.
::. God revealed Himself most fully through the life of a man in a process that spanned natural birth, development to adulthood and extended mission and death and resurrection.::[html]\n
. God revealed Himself most fully through the life of a man in a process that spanned natural birth, development to adulthood and extended mission and death and resurrection.
~Virgin Birth
// question: 1891 name: 2. Concerns the separation of Christianity from the Jews
::2. Concerns the separation of Christianity from the Jews::[html]Concerns the separation of Christianity from the Jews{
=Theme of Acts
~Purpose & theology of Acts
~Major section of Acts
~none of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1861 name: A personal friend of Apostle Paul, was a teacher and learned scholar of Apollos.
::A personal friend of Apostle Paul, was a teacher and learned scholar of Apollos.::[html]A personal friend of Apostle Paul, was a teacherand learned scholar of Apollos.{
// question: 1892 name: Along the way the spirit removed barriers to the spread of the gospel. The gospel is triumphant in Acts; nothing could stop its spread.
::Along the way the spirit removed barriers to the spread of the gospel. The gospel is triumphant in Acts; nothing could stop its spread.::[html]Along the way the spirit removed barriers to the spread of the gospel.The gospel is triumphant in Acts; nothing could stop its spread.{
=Universal, unhindered spread of the gospel
~History rarely records mere facts
~Concerns the separation of Christianity from the Jews
~Luke’s history of the formation and spread of the early church provided information to his readers.
// question: 1880 name: Beliefs of the early church were formulated into a creed know as:
::Beliefs of the early church were formulated into a creed know as\:::[html]Beliefs of the early church were formulated into a creed know as\:{
~none of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1890 name: Christianity is a gospel; it is good news about how God sent His Son to be our Savior. But if Christ did not really rise, then we have no assurance that our salvation has been accomplished.
::Christianity is a gospel; it is good news about how God sent His Son to be our Savior. But if Christ did not really rise, then we have no assurance that our salvation has been accomplished.::[html]\n
Christianity is a gospel; it is good news about how God sent His Son to be our Savior.But if Christ did not really rise, then we have no assurance that our salvation has been accomplished.
~Virgin Birth
// question: 1886 name: God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not created, who for us men and for our salvation came down and was incarnate, becoming human.
::God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not created, who for us men and for our salvation came down and was incarnate, becoming human.::[html]\n
God from God, light from light, true God from true God, begotten not created, who for us men and for our salvation came down and was incarnate, becoming human.
~Virgin Birth
// question: 1885 name: God fulfills His promise in His own way and not necessarily in accordance with what man expects.
::God fulfills His promise in His own way and not necessarily in accordance with what man expects.::[html]\n
God fulfills His promise in His own way and not necessarily in accordance with what man expects.
=Virgin Birth
// question: 1868 name: He persecuted the Christians before his conversion on his way to Damascus.
::He persecuted the Christians before his conversion on his way to Damascus.::[html]He persecuted the Christians before his conversion on his way to Damascus.{
// question: 1876 name: He was a roman centurion, a devout and God-fearing. Generous and has a good reputation within the Jewish community.
::He was a roman centurion, a devout and God-fearing. Generous and has a good reputation within the Jewish community.::[html]\n
He was a roman centurion, a devout and God-fearing.Generous and has a good reputation within the Jewish community.
// question: 1869 name: He was known as the first Christian martyr.
::He was known as the first Christian martyr.::[html]\n
He was known as the first Christian martyr.
// question: 1870 name: He was the missionary to the Jews.
::He was the missionary to the Jews.::[html]\n
He was the missionary to the Jews.
// question: 1883 name: Jesus of Nazareth has risen from dead and was their Lord, lives were changed and a community of faith and concern was born which is still alive and influential in the lives on people of today.
::Jesus of Nazareth has risen from dead and was their Lord, lives were changed and a community of faith and concern was born which is still alive and influential in the lives on people of today.::[html]\n
Jesus of Nazareth has risen from dead and was their Lord, lives were changed and a community of faith and concern was born which is still alive and influential in the lives on people of today.
~Virgin Birth
// question: 1888 name: Jesus’ birth God makes Himself known to man in a unique way.
::Jesus’ birth God makes Himself known to man in a unique way.::[html]\n
Jesus’ birth God makes Himself known to man in a unique way.
=Virgin Birth
// question: 1875 name: Jewish Festival, at which Holy Spirit came on the early Church.
::Jewish Festival, at which Holy Spirit came on the early Church.::[html]\n
Jewish Festival, at which Holy Spirit came on the early Church.
~All of the above.
~none of the above
// question: 1872 name: Luke stated that his reason for writing this orderly account was that his readers might “know the certainty†of that which they had been “taught†about the Christian faith.
::Luke stated that his reason for writing this orderly account was that his readers might “know the certainty†of that which they had been “taught†about the Christian faith.::[html]\n
Luke stated that his reason for writing this orderly account was that his readers might “know the certainty†of that which they had been “taught†about the Christian faith.
~none of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1887 name: Mary symbolizes the physical side of Jesus’ existence, His connection with the human race, the Jewish nation and the synagogue.
::Mary symbolizes the physical side of Jesus’ existence, His connection with the human race, the Jewish nation and the synagogue.::[html]\n
Mary symbolizes the physical side of Jesus’ existence, His connection with the human race, the Jewish nation and the synagogue.
=Virgin Birth
// question: 1889 name: Miracles of Jesus’ birth, lies in the fact that He was born like man and was tempted in every way like we do, and yet He did not sin.
::Miracles of Jesus’ birth, lies in the fact that He was born like man and was tempted in every way like we do, and yet He did not sin.::[html]\n
Miracles of Jesus’ birth, lies in the fact that He was born like man and was tempted in every way like we do, and yet He did not sin.
=Virgin Birth
// question: 1866 name: She has been revered in the Church for her attempt to halt Christ’s execution, and for her declaration of faith through innocence.
::She has been revered in the Church for her attempt to halt Christ’s execution, and for her declaration of faith through innocence.::[html]\n
She has been revered in the Church for her attempt to halt Christ’s execution, and for her declaration of faith through innocence.
~Mary Magdalene
=Pilate's wife
// question: 1863 name: She was a prophetess, the first person to ever proclaimed Jesus as the Christ and Savior.
::She was a prophetess, the first person to ever proclaimed Jesus as the Christ and Savior.::[html]She was a prophetess, the first person to ever proclaimed Jesus as the Christ and Savior.{
~Mary Magdalene
// question: 1862 name: She was devoted to service and generosity that can be seen in her open-hearted acceptance of thee role of hostess to Jesus.
::She was devoted to service and generosity that can be seen in her open-hearted acceptance of thee role of hostess to Jesus.::[html]She was devoted to service and generosity that can be seen in her open-hearted acceptance of thee role of hostess to Jesus.{
~Mary Magdalene
~Mary the mother of Jesus
// question: 1864 name: She was engaged to marry a local carpenter and conceived the Messiah.
::She was engaged to marry a local carpenter and conceived the Messiah.::[html]She was engaged tomarry a local carpenter and conceived the Messiah.{
~Mary Magdalene
// question: 1860 name: She was known to be more devoted to Christ and to her faith than she could ever be to any man.
::She was known to be more devoted to Christ and to her faith than she could ever be to any man.::[html]\n
She was known to be more devoted to Christ and to her faith than she could ever be to any man.
~Mary Magdalene
// question: 1865 name: She was known to have aided the elderly and infirm. She gave herself without reservation to the cause of Christ.
::She was known to have aided the elderly and infirm. She gave herself without reservation to the cause of Christ.::[html]\n
She was known to have aided the elderly and infirm.She gave herself without reservation to the cause of Christ.
~Mary Magdalene
~Pilate's wife
// question: 1859 name: She was the first to discover the empty tomb after the Resurrection.
::She was the first to discover the empty tomb after the Resurrection.::[html]She was the first to discover the empty tomb after the Resurrection.{
=Mary Magdalene
// question: 1858 name: She’s an elderly woman of supreme faith and commitment to God and His works.
::She’s an elderly woman of supreme faith and commitment to God and His works.::[html]She’s an elderly woman of supreme faith and commitment to God and His works.{
~none of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1877 name: The 2 major sections of the Acts of the Apostles were:
::The 2 major sections of the Acts of the Apostles were\:::[html]\n
The 2 major sections of the Acts of the Apostles were\:
=Christ’s Ascension and Pentecost to the conversions of Cornelius, Saul and Barnabas and Paul’s missionary journey to the Gentiles.
~Christ’s Ascension and Pentecost to the conversions of Cornelius, Saul and Barnabas and Paul’s missionary journey to the Jews.
~Christ’s Ascension and to the conversions of Cornelius, Saul and Barnabas and Paul’s missionary journey to the Gentiles.
~All of the above.
~none of the above
// question: 1873 name: The book of Acts was addressed to a specific person, whose name means lover of God. Thus, the book was addressed to all those who love God.
::The book of Acts was addressed to a specific person, whose name means lover of God. Thus, the book was addressed to all those who love God.::[html]\n
The book of Acts was addressed to a specific person, whose name means lover of God.Thus, the book was addressed to all those who love God.
~none of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1882 name: The central message of the early Christian church stressed that with the coming of Christ the crises of history had arrived and a new future was breaking in.
::The central message of the early Christian church stressed that with the coming of Christ the crises of history had arrived and a new future was breaking in.::[html]\n
The central message of the early Christian church stressed that with the coming of Christ the crises of history had arrived and a new future was breaking in.
// question: 1878 name: The early church was formed on the basis of the resurrected Christ. They studied the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
::The early church was formed on the basis of the resurrected Christ. They studied the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.::[html]The early church was formed on the basis of the resurrected Christ.They studied the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.{
~none of the above
// question: 1871 name: The purpose and theology of Acts were:
::The purpose and theology of Acts were\:::[html]The purpose and theology of Acts were\:{
=To inform & convince the readers
~To inform and evangelize the readers
~To inform and explain to the readers
~none of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1867 name: They were the women who were recorded to witness Jesus weep
::They were the women who were recorded to witness Jesus weep::[html]\n
They were the women who were recorded to witness Jesus weep
~Dorcas & Priscilla
=Mary & Martha
~Mary & Mary Magdalene
~None of the above
~all of the above
// question: 1874 name: This is a visible reminder that Jesus has left the task of world missions to His disciples, empowered by the Holy Spirit whose work would not start until Jesus went away.
::This is a visible reminder that Jesus has left the task of world missions to His disciples, empowered by the Holy Spirit whose work would not start until Jesus went away.::[html]\n
This is a visible reminder that Jesus has left the task of world missions to His disciples, empowered by the Holy Spirit whose work would not start until Jesus went away.
~All of the above.
~none of the above
// question: 1879 name: Those who genuinely repent and believe in God through Christ receive forgiveness of their sins and enter into the fellowship of the church and its sacrament.
::Those who genuinely repent and believe in God through Christ receive forgiveness of their sins and enter into the fellowship of the church and its sacrament.::[html]\n
Those who genuinely repent and believe in God through Christ receive forgiveness of their sins and enter into the fellowship of the church and its sacrament.
~none of the above
// question: 1881 name: Which of the following is not a belief of the early church?
::Which of the following is not a belief of the early church?::[html]\n
Which of the following is not a belief of the early church?
~Jesus as Messiah
~Christ will come back as judge of both the living and the dead
=none of the above